Friday, September 21, 2012

Getting Down and Dirty

Date: 08/26/12
Route:  Merrell Down and Dirty 10K
Distance: 6.2 miles
Total Time: Don't Care
Temp: 82 and Sunny (and very very muddy)

   This was not one of my finer runs. But that was for all the right reasons. They do not lie to you, you will get muddy, very very very muddy. Here is a pic of me crossing the finish line:

   As you might notice, I am a little dirty. Not only do they put you through a mud crawl, they do it twice. One time right before the end so you really come out covered. I am pretty sure they make the mud by taking topsoil and adding water, so it is jet black and nice and sticky. 

   Everything went pretty smoothly in the packet pickup area, and they had a nice race staging area set up so you could get ready. I appreciated the bag drop, so I could have somewhat clean clothes after the race. In fine obstacle race tradition, we started right up a huge hill. The obstacles were well places and spaced out, and unlike some other runs that I have heard of, we did not have huge waits at them. My only real critique of the obstacles was that there were too many mini walls. I loved the water crossing. After running about 5.5 miles, to go out into the lake was incredibly refreshing. I thought I would be all grossed out by wet shoes, but we were close to the finish, and right after that we soon went through the first mud area. 

   It was definitely a different experience then a normal race. Everyone was very chatty on course, and no one was to concerned with their time, and seemed more interested in helping out then getting ahead. If you look close at that picture of me finishing, you will see a grimace. That is becasue I fell on the rock climbing wall and rolled my ankle. I know that climbing walls are fun, but since everyone has really muddy feet, the cleats were VERY slippery, and my foot just slipped off and down I fell.Still a great time, and I am excited to say that The Wife showed some interest in running the 5K with me next year. 

Best Part: The Human Car Wash you can go though in the wash off area
Worst Part: DO NOT wash these clothes with anything else....ever 

So, anyone out there have any mud run reviews/tips?  

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